Every Sunday morning we offer Sunday School classes for children ages Preschool thru Grade 5 during the worship hour. The children may go to their Sunday School class in the Adventure Kids classroom. Parents may pick up their children following the worship service.
We believe that learning about God and growing in our Christian faith is a life-long process, beginning with the teaching of Bible stories and moving to deeper study of scripture throughout our spiritual and physical lives. Children’s Sunday School is the beginning of this faith journey for our littlest ones.
All of our staff and volunteers are trained in the United Methodist Safe Sanctuary Policy to ensure the safety of your children and youth.
A nursery is available for infants and toddlers during the worship service. Staff and volunteers trained in the United Methodist Safe Sanctuary Policy offer a safe and loving environment where your children can play while you worship. The nursery is located in the hallway just outside of the sanctuary and is equipped with toys, a changing table, child-size furniture and restroom, a rocking chair and snacks.
During the worship service, the children may go to their Sunday School class for the duration of the service. Parents/guardians may pick up their children in the hallway outside of the sanctuary at the end of the service.