Mifflinburg UMC is a very friendly and welcoming church, an active and growing congregation with people of all ages and life situations. We are passionate about sharing the love of Christ. Our Sunday morning atmosphere is relaxed, with casual attire in a family-friendly setting. Everyone is welcome to join us in celebrating the goodness of God!
Parking is available in our main lot behind the church at 3rd & Church Streets (on either side of the alley) and to the east of the church off Market Street. A municipal parking lot is also available on the next block to the west, as well as street parking.
Mifflinburg UMC is a church with many doors. The side entrance from the main parking lot on 3rd Street is handicapped accessible. The vestibule, main office, elevator, and unisex restroom are located near this entrance. There are two entrances at the front of the church on Market Street that both lead up a short flight of stairs into the sanctuary. The Family Life Center is directly accessible from a Market Street entrance at the rear of the walkway.
Our facilities are handicapped accessible with a ramp located at the 3rd Street entrance to the church. An elevator is available inside the 3rd Street entrance for access to our Family Life Center and additional rest rooms. Our sanctuary is equipped with listening devices for those with hearing difficulties.
We welcome all people to our worship service at 10:00 AM every Sunday. We offer Communion on the 1st Sunday of each month. As you enter the sanctuary, our greeters will welcome you, and give you a bulletin. You may sit anywhere you like in our cushioned pews.
Our service is a time of greeting one another, celebration and praise, with traditional hymns and beautiful music shared by our choir, organist, and pianist. Following the scripture reading and pastor's sermon, we take prayer requests for a time of prayer together, followed by the offering of our gifts to God. We close with sharing upcoming church activities and more singing.
We want everyone to feel welcome and comfortable in our church, so please participate as you feel led. You will find people in our church in casual attire, or dressed up, so dress as you feel comfortable. Our offering plate is on the table in the rear of the sanctuary, give as you are able. We want everyone to have a warm, spiritual experience with us, free of worry.
We offer a Nursery with staff and volunteers trained in the Safe Sanctuary policy of the United Methodist Church. Following the Choir anthem, children up to and including 5th grade may go to their Sunday School classes while their parents/guardians worship. Crayons and coloring books are also available for children to use in the pews during the worship service, if they wish to stay with their parents/guardians.