1792 - Youngmanstown (later Mifflinburg) is founded.

1793 - A small band of people first meet in each other’s homes to hear an itinerant minister riding the
Northumberland Circuit of the Methodist Episcopal Church.

1803 - Property on the corner of 3rd & Market Streets is deeded to the trustees of the
“Communion Christian Church” upon which the “Old Log Cabin Church” is built, now an M. E.

1806 - Jacob Albright, founder of the Evangelical Association, preaches in New Berlin, which becomes the
center of their denomination’s activities.

1840-1843 - The first M .E. Sunday School class is organized – a class of 10 scholars taught by Miss Rose

1855-1856 - The Mifflinburg Circuit is formed. A “great revival” that year leads to the need for a new church.
The “second” church is dedicated in January, 1857.

1873 - The Methodist parsonage is built east of the church on a lot bought in 1869.

1893 - Under the leadership of Rev. Heckman, the “third” church is built, this one facing Market St.- our
current place of worship 125 years later.

1901 - Members of the Evangelical Association buy the church on the 300 block of Market St. from the
Presbyterians. The first pastor, Rev. C. C. Mizener calls to order the first Sunday School.​

​ 1902 - The church is dedicated as St. Paul’s Evangelical Church of Mifflinburg.

1922 - The Evangelical Association becomes the Evangelical Church. (through split & re-union)

1946 - The Evangelical Church and the United Brethren Church merge to form the Evangelical United
Brethren Church (EUB)

1968 - The Methodist Church and the EUB Church merge to form the United Methodist Church. St. Paul’s
changes its name to St. Paul’s United Methodist Church.

1972 - Despite discussion of yoking between the two United Methodist churches since 1967, on Feb. 13 both
congregations vote no. By congregational vote in May, the church at 3rd & Market becomes Wesley
United Methodist Church.

2000 - St. Paul’s and Wesley become a blended congregation in January. Church services are held at Wesley;
Sunday School classes at St. Paul’s.

2000 - July 1st the blended congregation officially merges and is named Mifflinburg United Methodist Church. All
activities are held at 279 Market St.

2004-2005 - A major building expansion is undertaken. A new addition for offices and a Family Life
center are consecrated on December 18, 2005.